Elliryanna's Profile


Joined on Feb 1, 2014
Status Level: Novice

Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
100 Quiz
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Elliryanna's Recent Posts

  • "Okay, at least admit it's bad. I reflected on my old story (you know, the stupid one) and it sucks. If you are trying to get better at writi..."
  • Hufflepuff
    "t kind of self-fulfilling prophecy; its obviously possible to be ambitious and still be a good person, but you attract a certain type of per..."
  • Hufflepuff
    "So I am a Ravenpuff, and I personally love Hufflepuff. On this thread, please say if you hate Hufflepuff, or love them, and why. You can als..."
  • my newest quiz
    "Oh my god. Catching Fire is the second book in the hunger games series."
  • Huppenthal
    "Look him up. Post your thoughts. This guy's an idiot."
  • "Unloving, all government types are built on good philosophies, however, are jacked up by the government and it's people. Appayipyip,"
  • Getting rid of the penny
    "The only reason we need to get rid of pennies is because of the effects of inflation. Though I love pennies, and hate inflation, I agree tha..."
  • "Tongue, I read the wikipedia page, but I want the inside scoop. What is liberarianism about?"
  • "That was for The Geek."
  • "Ihaoly, agreed, they are complete idiots. Let me try my best, (mind, I copied and pasted, I didn't feel like putting it in my own words)..."
  • "Available, if Ihaoly lived in North Korea, and she was on this site, YES they would be allowed internet."
  • "I suppose there would be private trade. Capitalism means that the trade isn't controlled by the government, so yes, there would be capitalis..."
  • OMG
    "By the way, go independents! I'm closer to democrat, but definitely independent."
  • OMG
    "Ihlaoy, I wish someone would explain it, because I'm not sure, which is probably why I don't have a problem with it. I think it flopped beca..."
  • Story Writing Tips
    "1)What do you do if you have a story, and to advance it you need your character to have a friend, but that will ruin the story? 2)I h"

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