Sehei's Profile

Joined on Jun 29, 2014
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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Sehei's Recent Posts
""That would be great!" he picks up immediately where his brother left off."
""Oh, boooooo." he jeers playfully, but comes to a stop and turns to face the group with that same happy-go-lucky smile. "Well, "
""I think.. the law was written by people way smarter than me. I'm sure they knew what they were talking about.""
""I don't know about you guys, but I'm really happy none of us have broken the law ever. Makes me feel safer with you guys, you know?""
"Sehei waited for a moment of silence to pass before he gave his answer. "Not me. I'm boring.""
"He laughs openly, apparently unfazed by the judgment he was getting from his peers. "What about you, Ryuu? You want me to keep "
""Hey, singles club! Well, mostly single. I have a lot of admirers, but there's just way too much of me to give all I've got to one person, y..."
""Yeah! You gotta pay or something if you want us to sing for you!""
""Ryuu and I are singers." he says, with barely a second in between the last syllable of Ryuu's question and the first of his answer."
"His grin widens even further as he slips a small metal flask out of a pocket and takes a quick swig off it. "That's the spirit!"
""Hey, cool! So are Ryuu and I!""
""You're my second favorite person here." Sehei immediately interjects, smiling wide at Ember. "So Ryuu's gonna ask the questions, and we'll ..."
"He narrows his eyes at his older brother, but, again, quickly seems to move on and resumes smiling like he's never gotten particularly attac..."
"He pouts. "Whaaaaaaat? It was my game idea.""
""I'm your god now, Cecilia!" he crows, running ahead a few steps to catch up with Ryuu, who hasn't said a word since they departed the clear..."
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