musicdino's Profile


Joined on Jun 14, 2012
Status Level: Junior

Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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musicdino's Quizzes

  • I relized several things.. (musicdino)
    [published: Jul 23, 2012, 11 comments]

    ** Read this ** Don't read this unless you want to be invited to a pity party. I know……

  • ** The 10 Secrets ** Part 5
    [published: Jul 18, 2012, 3 comments]

    *** Read This *** I'm so sorry guys :( I didn't mean to take forever. i have no excuse really. I……

  • ** The 10 Secrets ** Part 4
    [published: Jul 09, 2012, 15 comments]

    *** Read this *** Ok I know I made part 3 like 2 days ago it's just that I was so freaking anxious.……

  • ** The 10 Secrets ** Part 3
    [published: Jul 06, 2012, 5 comments]

    ** Read This ** Hi! Welcome to the 3rd Part of ** The 10 Secrets ** it was supposed to be posted……

  • Could we be BFF's??
    [published: Jul 01, 2012, 10 comments]

    ** READ THIS ** Do you think me and you could be best friends or not? Take this quiz to find out! :D Ok now……

  • ** The 10 Secrets ** Part 2
    [published: Jun 28, 2012, 6 comments]

    ** READ THIS ** Ok for those of you who took ** The 10 secrets ** I made part 2!! If you took Hi!!!……

  • Hi!!! Musicdino here!
    [published: Jun 26, 2012]

    Hey guys musicdino here ummm.... Well I kinda made this quiz because I was bored and I needed to disscuss……

  • ** The 10 Secrets **
    [published: Jun 21, 2012, 2 comments]

    **READ THIS** Hi!!! Welcome to the first part of my quiz series ** The 10 secrets ** I hope you all like it……

    [published: Jun 18, 2012, 5 comments]

    :/ I have some bad news for my fellow friends. Ya see- you just need to read it I don't wanna say it……

  • Hi please read!
    [published: Jun 17, 2012, 9 comments]

    *READ THIS* I got inspired guys!! Yay!!! Now I can start on the series sooner than i thought!!! Ok well once you……

  • I got inspired!!
    [published: Jun 17, 2012, 1 comment]

    *READ THIS* Hey guys! Guess what?! No! Not chicken butt!! I got inspired so I wrote 3 stories not bad to come……

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