Could we be BFF's??

** READ THIS ** Do you think me and you could be best friends or not? Take this quiz to find out! :D Ok now I gotta out random things :P :) :D XD XP done

All people are different but that doesn't mean people don't have stuff in common let's see if YOU could be my best friend!! Ok wow still more characters done!

Created by: musicdino

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What would you do if you saw me crying?
  2. As you can see I talk about smosh..... ALOT! Would that bother you?
  3. Ok. What would you do if we got into a HUGE argument?
  4. What's your personality like?
  5. How is your behavior like?
  6. Is music important to you?
  7. What's something about you?
  8. Are you popular
  9. What would you do if you saw me get bullied
  10. If I told you a HUGE secret. Would you tell anyone?
  11. If me and you liked the same guy. What would you do?
  12. Are you crazy? (as in random,funny,etc)
  13. Do you think we're best friends
  14. Ok well I guess if you wanna tell me something about yourself just umm... comment I guess :P Ok bye b***h

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