What The Heck Is Going On Quiz!

There are many weird, random, crazy, annoying, hyper, popular, snobby, happy, stupid, tough, and lots more types of people. There is so many things to be, and so many things to do, yet you click this quiz to take it...

What is your purpose in life? To take human's pants, to eat unicorn's horns, or perhaps to steal my peanut butter? Or maybe you're nothing above, something too cool to even be listed...Or perhaps you just think you are cool because you are really just some little...*Drones on About Stuff*

Created by: kalster09

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What made you feel the need to take this quiz?
  2. A murderer comes to your house. Of course, you don't know that, and it's late at night. Your doorbell rings. What do you do? (Your action does count, no matter what the next questions say)
  3. The murderer kills you. Aw, what a shame. Suddenly, Tommy the giant toilet hops over to you. "I'm tired of your crap!" What do you do?
  4. How do you think this quiz works?
  5. What do you think life means to you?
  6. Have you smiled or laughed yet?
  7. A giant mushroom wanders over to you, and tries to eat you. Well, shoot. What do you do?
  8. Oh crud! Oh my gosh, I can't believe it! ...Oh, that's just not right! How can that be possible? Stupid purple giraffes...
  9. How can you stand at least two more questions?
  10. On a scale of 1-5, how random was this quiz?
  11. Do you think that unicorns and humans can eventually get along together peacefully?
  12. This is the last question. *EPIC HULA DANCE! Falls into volcano...* How sad are you?

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