What Ardoni Clan are You?

In light of the announcement that Songs of War Season 2/3 is no longer canceled but rather in a state of 'lack of funding,' i decided to update a very old 'what Ardoni clan are you' trivia. Please support the fandom's base content; Songs of War, and consider donating once Squared Media's fundraiser begins.

This trivia was written based on both comments by David R.B. in his commetaries and livestreams on the Squared Media/Squared Community channel, along with a post an editor of the new writer for Songs of War Season 2/3; Featherstorm.

Created by: Lightninghawk1144
  1. What characteristic do you respect most from a leader?
  2. Of these Minecraft structures/biomes, which is your most favorite?
  3. You conquer a village to use for trades but discover half the population are nitwits. What do you do with them?
  4. You just finished getting diamond armor in a hardcore public server, but someone with full netherite armor demands you give them your recources. What do you do?
  5. What's your favorite part of playing Minecraft?
  6. What's your favorite Song?
  7. You are in charge of an Ardoni army about to fight a much larger Nether army. What strategy would you use?
  8. What do you care about most when making friends?
  9. Which Songs of War character do you idolize the most
  10. How would you describe yourself?
  11. What's your favorite weapon?
  12. What's your favorite passtime?

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Quiz topic: What Ardoni Clan am I?
