** The 10 Secrets ** Part 2

** READ THIS ** Ok for those of you who took ** The 10 secrets ** I made part 2!! If you took Hi!!! Musicdino here! You saw that I wanted to quit because of the lack of readers. Well I didn't quit because I love to write and I didn't wanna give up because of people who don't take my quiz.

It's mostly gotoquizzes fault because they never freakin post my quizzes on the new quizzes list so yeah.... Anywho I didn't give up and I'm glad :) so for my readers thank you for reading I thought about you guys when I wanted to give up. You guys are one of the reasons I'm still writing (not trying to make a sappy moment)

Created by: musicdino
  1. You shake of fear. Out of instinct you start punching even though you can't see the person. "Ow! Ow!" the voice said you didn't care. You just kept swinging. "Stop!" the voice was getting louder. You stop and try to adjust your eyes to the darkness. *click click* the light was turned on and you see...
  2. Logan. He's rubbing his arm with his right hand. You can see you punched him in the face since his nose is bleeding. "Oh my god! Logan! I'm sorry!" "It's ok. I guess I should've told you it was me before you went all 'incredible hulk' on me." you feel guilty and look down without saying a word. "It's ok cutie." he says picking up your chin and smiling at you. You look and smile back "So why exactly did you drag me in here?" his eyes widened and he became pale again. "I'm not trying to be mean here, but I don't think Jake is safe to be going out with." You glare at him and say, "What do you mean? Are you like.... Jealous? Or something?" He blushes and ignores the "jealous" part "I've heard rumors about him" he says quietly "Like what?!" you say starting to feel angry, now knowing that people spread rumors about your boyfriend.
  3. He looks at you with a guilty look. "Ive heard.." he pauses "He's a murderer" he says so quietly you can barely hear him. "What?!" you say thinking this is a joke "How could Jake possibly be a murderer?! We're in 10th grade for crying out loud!" you say not knowing weather to laugh at him or yell at him for thinking so idiotically. "Look, all I'm saying is I wouldn't doubt if he was. Think about it." he says unlocking the door and leaving without another word.
  4. You roll your eyes. Jake can't possibly be a murderer, could he? Nah! He's too sweet you think. Thinking more about what Logan had said you start to think, What does he do when I'm gone? Has Logan seen him killing someone or burring a body? I've never seen him on any wanted thingies on the news. Since you missed the bus, you walked home which was good since you had all these thoughts in mind.
  5. No. You finally came to an answer. He can't be. Pfft! Jake's just jealous. I mean if Jake really was a murderer wouldn't you think he would try to murder me by now? Or.... Is he waiting for the right moment? you think. "Best not to think about it too much." you whisper to yourself
  6. You make it home. "Hi honey. How was school." mom asked "Oh. It was umm.. ya know school." You go up to your room to think about what was going on today. Who would be the one spreading rumors? Who absolutely HATES Jake? You only came to one answer, Carol. She wouldn't spread a rumor like that! Would she?! You want to cry. Thinking your best friend would do something like that to your boyfriend. You want to text her but if you confront it she might deny it. Maybe the could shoulder will work? You don't know if she's the one saying that though... What to do?!
  7. You decide to text her. Did u spread rumors bout Jake? You clicked send. About a minute later she replies: No! Who said that?! you didn't wanna make her angry so you said: No one. Just asking... So if Carol didn't spread the rumor who did?! Then you think what if it's not a rumor.... What if it's the truth.
  8. Lets just wait for the week to be over... Then we'll see if this "rumor" really is true, you think. You write down on a note Jake murderer or not? You start to feel scared wondering if it is true. How are you gonna act tomorrow around him??? The questions keep filling your mind. What am I gonna tell Carol?!
  9. Your so focused that you didn't hear the doorbell ring. "_________!" mom calls from downstairs. You rush downstairs. "Door for you." mom says pointing at the door. "Hey ________." oh god you think.
  10. CLIFFHANGER!!!! So there was part 2 of ** The 10 Secrets ** :D ok well bye b***h!
  11. Ok well make sure to comment if you liked it or if it was predictable or something ok bye forreals this time :)

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