Kattie1999's Profile

Joined on Jun 25, 2010
Status Level: Advanced
Kattie1999's Quizzes
- 25 things not to do[published: Jun 02, 2011, 1 comment]
This quiz has 25 things you should do and now take it! Rate and comment! Rate and comment! Rate and comment!……
- Find out How Weird you are! 2[published: May 31, 2011]
hELLO This is a sequal to the previous Find out how weird you are quiz. Have fun and enjoy the……
- Starting Middle School P2[published: Aug 14, 2010, 7 comments]
Find yourself in a whirl wind of unexpected turns and weird stuff! Hope you engoy my quiz. Find……
- Starting Middle School[published: Aug 13, 2010, 6 comments]
pLEASE TAKE IT. fIND OUT WHO YOU ARE ANDWHOU YOU LIKE! if you like to talk to tamotos if a squash can……
- How well do you know me?[published: Aug 12, 2010]
TAKE THIS QUIZ IN HOPE THAT YOU WILL TAKE IT. For your reference to know if this is it! To find out in……
- Ruth P2 True Love[published: Aug 06, 2010]
True love? is this the guy. Find your personality while you are thrown through an unforgettable expiriance!……
- Ruth P1 Weathering[published: Aug 06, 2010, 1 comment]
Take this quiz and expirience the hardships of a young girl named Ruth. Please leave comments and remember to……
- The Radical Quiz[published: Aug 05, 2010]
There is a fly on the floor! What? A dead fly. Anyway, are you a radical penguin? Find out on this magical,……
- Space Explorations P2 Captains Adventure[published: Jul 31, 2010]
There are many people who say they know the answers. Well, i cahllenge that! Take this……
- Space Explorations P1[published: Jul 23, 2010]
You are going on a n advenure that will be exciting and fun! space is where youll be! A cadet is who you……
- What Dragon Are You 2[published: Jun 26, 2010, 3 comments]
Have you ever woundered what dragon you are. This quiz includes that and your personality. Also, make sure……
- Find out how weird you are![published: Jun 26, 2010, 3 comments]
How weird are you? Find out while going through an exhilerating adventure. You character will be……
- Which Dragon Are You[published: Jun 25, 2010, 5 comments]
Have you ever wondered what type of dragon you could be? You can find out what personality and what type of……
Kattie1999's Recent Posts
"Jesus loves you both"
"Thank you agne! I actually used to get mad at people who woudln't accept what i believe, but now i know that you can't spread the God's love..."
"Why would you hate God so much? I mean, its not like i would hate the person who created Athiesiam. Or hate you for being an Athiest."
"Im sorry you found that offensive. But, as I said before, I cannot and will not stand by and let you spend an eternity in Hell. Jesus loves ..."
"CountryBayRythm: I am a Christian and was recently watching a show called 'The way of the Master'. It really opened my eyes to see t"
"May i just ask if people actually start these conversations just to start arguments. Because from my point of veiw, thats what it seems like..."
"I just finished reading the manga Beast Tamer! This is soooooooooooo cuteeeeee! I have never cried tears of joy before! =.= *CREIES*"
"thank you for your advice :)"
"No offense or anything. That girl was just stating her opinion. She didn't say anything to you to make you that rude. You don't have to be t..."
"Can anyone help me. I am writing a book. I'm already on chapter 5, but i feel like its bland and boring. And i was wondering if any of you m..."
"But why shouldn't it be complicated, life is the only thing we really truly have"
"Whats the meaning of life? A question that has been asked by thousands of philosophers all around the world, but have they come up with an a..."
"ya......, that might work."
""Gen. 28:11 When [Jacob] reached a certain place, he stopped for the night because the sun had set. Taking one of the stones there, he put i..."
"... not you kinglon"
Kattie1999's Recent Quiz Comments
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"help me"
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"you need to put a link to your 2nd quiz in the comments because people cant get to your home page"
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"Yes i am. I live next to the zoo and see gorillas all the time. Thius a silly question. Anyone with a brain would know that we live in the…"
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"I know a lot about gorillas. They eat food like bananas. And they swing from trees. I like them a lot. They are furry and most live in a…"
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"i LOVE GORILLAS. tHEY ARE MY FAVOURITE ANIMAL! Especially when we got to the zzo. They are so cute! I love them"