cheese1234's Profile


Joined on May 27, 2011
Status Level: Advanced

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13-Year Club
Quality Quizzer
100 Quiz
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cheese1234's Quizzes

  • Immortal part 8
    [published: Apr 27, 2013, 2 comments]

    Hey guys! this is Cheese1234 giving you part 8 in the "immortal" series. I would like to let you know that i……

  • Immortal part 6
    [published: Feb 21, 2013, 4 comments]

    Hey guys! i am sooo sorry! this is all i wrote when i was writing part 6 and my laptop broke down! its terrible!……

  • Immortal part 5
    [published: Jan 12, 2013, 6 comments]

    Hey guys! I'm sorry it took me such a long time! I had been cut off from internet connection for such a long……

  • Immortal part 4
    [published: Jan 01, 2013, 5 comments]

    Hello peoples! you know that's actually a word? pretty cool. anyway, thanks for reading i really wanted to get……

  • Immortal part 3
    [published: Dec 31, 2012, 4 comments]

    Hey readers! hope you liked this one. sorry it took me a while to post it. i went out of town for winter……

  • Immortal part 2
    [published: Dec 25, 2012, 6 comments]

    Hey guys! Thanks for reading! this is the author of the ~Forbidden Love~ series. my quizzes have not been……

  • Immortal part 1
    [published: Dec 23, 2012, 8 comments]

    Hey! this is Cheese1234, writer of the My Love Life series and Forbidden Love. i am writing two new……

  • ~Forbidden Love~ FINALE *CARLOS VERSION*
    [published: Dec 21, 2012, 1 comment]

    you are reading the finale of the ~Forbidden Love~ series. hey! this is the author of……

  • ~Forbidden Love~ FINALE *JOHN VERSION*
    [published: Dec 02, 2012, 3 comments]

    you are reading the finale of the ~Forbidden Love~ series. hey! this is the author of……

  • ~Forbidden Love~p14
    [published: Jun 22, 2012, 4 comments]

    You are witnessing the final chapters of the ~Forbidden Love~ series. hey guys! i know this took a while……

  • ~Forbidden Love~p13
    [published: Jun 15, 2012, 4 comments]

    Hi! Sorry I took too long! I'm taking some summer classes and I'm so busy. Plus, I had writers block. So……

  • ~Forbidden Love~ notice
    [published: Jun 05, 2012, 1 comment]

    to readers of the ~Forbidden Love~ series. thanks so much for following me to here and i just wanted to……

  • ~Forbidden Love~p12
    [published: Jun 04, 2012, 2 comments]

    You are witnessing the final chapters of *Forbidden Love* Hey guys! I got this one out much faster and I……

  • ~Forbidden Love~ p10
    [published: Apr 16, 2012, 4 comments]

    Hi guys! I'm working on these quizzes a lot more now. I don't know exactly which is going to be the last……

  • ~Forbidden Love~p8
    [published: Jan 16, 2012, 17 comments]

    You are witnessing the final chapters of the ~forbidden love~ series. Hi. I am so sorry for taking so very……

  • ~Forbidden Love~p7
    [published: Dec 11, 2011, 5 comments]

    Hi this is part seven of the ~Forbidden Love~ series. I hope you liked it and I'm sorry it was late. I'm……

  • ~Forbidden Love~p6
    [published: Dec 03, 2011, 10 comments]

    Alright! Part 6 is out! Listen, I just want to say that I am so sorry for the extremely long story and for……

  • ~Forbidden Love~p5
    [published: Nov 25, 2011, 8 comments]

    hey sorry i took so long. i've been working a lot on school. please rate and comment. i would LOVE some……

  • ~Forbidden Love~p4
    [published: Nov 13, 2011, 7 comments]

    ok, this quiz, your going to find out what "the date" is. now, im so sorry that it ttok a while. ……

  • ~Forbidden Love~p3
    [published: Nov 08, 2011, 7 comments]

    hi. please dont be mad! okay, i understand if you are mad. iv taken such a long time to do this quiz and……

  • ~Forbidden Love~p2
    [published: Oct 02, 2011, 11 comments]

    okay thank you all so much for taking my quiz and i apologize if it was to long. -correction- i apologize……

  • ~Forbidden Love~
    [published: Sep 27, 2011, 5 comments]

    okay, you're different. you're a were-tiger. for you people who are beginners in supernatural stories, i made……

  • M.L.L.P16 ~ FINALE ~
    [published: Sep 27, 2011, 6 comments]

    okay, so, this is the grand FINALE of the MY LOVE LIFE series. i really hope you like it and i did start a……

  • M. L. L. P 1 5
    [published: Sep 13, 2011, 5 comments]

    you are witnessing the final chapters of the "my love life" series. i really hope you liked it. the series will……

  • *M. L. L. P 1 4*
    [published: Aug 15, 2011, 7 comments]

    you are witnessing the final chapters of the my love life series. i'm glad most of you have followed me to……

  • ***M.L.L. P13***
    [published: Aug 04, 2011, 15 comments]

    the continuation of the my love life series is here!!hiya peoples of all kinds of planets with gotoquiz!!! i……

  • my love life part 12
    [published: Aug 01, 2011, 11 comments]

    hey guys! okay, i think this has to be my longest quiz. lots of thanks to Alexandra_18o because she gave……

  • which one of my favorite random words are you?
    [published: Jul 20, 2011, 5 comments]

    hiya! okay i have to admit that this is not my best quiz. i'm more of a story……

  • are you obsessed with cheese?
    [published: Jul 16, 2011, 2 comments]

    there are many different types of cheese. you should take this quiz if you love cheese. it just……

  • my love life part 11
    [published: Jul 15, 2011, 13 comments]

    okay, so in this quiz, i have a lot going on. there are very long paragraphs so your going to do a lot of……

  • my love life part 10
    [published: Jul 09, 2011, 9 comments]

    hiya peoples!! thanks for taking my quizzes. i'm happy you all like them and that your excited for more!……

  • my love life part 8
    [published: Jul 05, 2011, 13 comments]

    thank you so much for taking this quiz. the new girls in this quiz will have the picture in part nine. you……

  • my love life part 7
    [published: Jun 29, 2011, 13 comments]

    thank you so much for taking my series quiz. please take parts 1-6 if you want to understand what's going……

  • my love life part 6
    [published: Jun 28, 2011, 7 comments]

    i know that a lot of people have not been commenting. please, if you want this series to continue, i need……

  • my love life part 5
    [published: Jun 17, 2011, 9 comments]

    HEY GIRLS! nobody ever reads this intro. those meanies. if you read the intro then you are one of my……

  • my love life part 4
    [published: Jun 11, 2011, 11 comments]

    hiya girls!! thank you so much for your patience in this story quiz. i hope you liked it. my apologies if……

  • my love life part 3
    [published: Jun 06, 2011, 11 comments]

    okay so thank you all for taking this quiz. if you liked it or you know your friends would like it please……

  • my love life part 2
    [published: May 28, 2011, 12 comments]

    okay so this is part 2 of the "my love life" series. thank you so much for commenting and i'm excited for……

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