~Forbidden Love~

okay, you're different. you're a were-tiger. for you people who are beginners in supernatural stories, i made this up! a were-tiger is a human/tiger. you're parents died in an attack that you witnesses with your twin brother, Isaac. you ran away to the forest where a hunter found you and took you to the orphanage. since you didn't fit in, at ages of 13, you tworan away to the forest. you longed to be normal so you went to school. you're in your freshmen year in high school. oh! btw, in the 2nd paragraph i will put a quote that relates to the story or to love.
before i put the quote ima tell you ur and ur bro's powers; Your powers are the 4 elements, animal talker, and invisibility. Your twin brother, Isaac, has telekenisis , and water, fire and animal talking, and orber. now for the quote- One of the greatest diseases is to be nobody to anybody. – mother Teresa