~Forbidden Love~p8

You are witnessing the final chapters of the ~forbidden love~ series. Hi. I am so sorry for taking so very long on writing this quiz. It's just that when I wrote it, a month later, I checked up on it and no one saw it. I knew it didn't show up on the "new quiz list", I don't know why. So, I just gave up on it. About two months later I thought I'd check it again and it was full. So, I started typing part 8.
Okay, so I know you probably forgot about this series and that you'll need to read part 7 again. When you find this quiz, I want you to know how to find part 9. So, here's what I've planned. For some reason, my computer doesn't let my quizzes get on the new quiz list. At least 2 weeks after you read this quiz, look up my account and take part nine. It'll take max-1 month. I've been so caught up in school and I have to write another book report. So I'll be very busy. And you're quote- "No one falls in love by choice, it is by chance. No one stays in love by chance, it is by work. And no one falls out of love by chance, it is by choice."