Personality Profile | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz Personality Profile.
Your Result: Popular Sanguine 81%The Extrovert, The Talker, The Optimist Popular Sanguine emotions:Appealing personality, talkative, storyteller, life of the party, good sense of humor, memory for color, physically holds on to listener, emotional and demonstrative, enthusiastic and expressive, cheerful and bubbling over, curious, good on stage, wide-eyed and innocent, lives in the present, changeable disposition, sincere at heart, always a child.Popular Sanguine at work:volunteers for jobs, thinks up new activities, looks great on the surface, creative and colorful, has energy and enthusiasm, starts in a flashy way, inspires others to join, charms others at work.Popular Sanguine as a parent:makes home fun, is liked by children's friends, turns disaster into humor, is the circus master.Popular Sanguine as a friend:makes friends easily, loves people, thrives on compliments, seems exciting, envied by others, doesn't hold grudges, apologizes quickly, prevents dull moments, likes spontaneous activities.
55% Popular Choleric
31% Perfect Melancholy
5% Peaceful Phlegmatic -
Your Result: Peaceful Phlegmatic 91%
The Introvert, The Watcher, The Pessimist Peaceful Phlegmatic emotions: low-key personality, easygoing and relaxed, calm, cool, and collected, patient, well balanced, consistent life, quiet but witty, sympathetic and kind, keeps emotions hidden, happily reconciled to life, all-purpose person. Peaceful Phlegmatic at work: competent and steady, peaceful and agreeable, has administrative ability, mediates problems, avoids conflicts, good under pressure, finds the easy way. Peaceful Phlegmatic as a parent: makes a good parent, takes time for the children, is not in a hurry, can take the good with the bad, doesn't get upset easily. Peaceful Phlegmatic as a friend: easy to get along with, pleasant and enjoyable, inoffensive, good listener, dry sense of humor, enjoys watching people, has many friends, has compassion and concern.
Very accurate lol. Pog quiz!
Sorry, but this is totally not me! I'm an introvert. I got extrovert, which is wrong. I keep to myself and am shy but can be bold at times. I'm also a goofy, funny person. This isn't right, but good quiz. Just try to improve it and make it MORE ACCURATE!
I am commenting here so I can come back later. Seems great so far!
i got introvert but i don't think that's accurate
noontime1 -
Perfect Melancholy
Perfect Melancholy
Almyzu1 -
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