MTMothkey's Profile


Joined on Dec 11, 2022
Status Level: Junior

Level-up Progress:
2-Year Club
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MTMothkey's Recent Posts

  • "P A R M"
  • "Flynn spotted Aboreox fleeing into the forest, "What the hell?" Flynn quickly fashions an umbrella from a very large leaf, hopping out of th..."
  • "Flynn hid in the trees, the thick branches protecting him from the rain, a thin blanket of patchy wool that's slightly itchy around his shou..."
  • "I'm a horror fan. Too much though can shake me up quite a bit, so I have to take it in pieces. :)"
  • "@BoldNotCold2 I plan on confessing to her after the New Year passes (2024). @Shadowlynx49 Same tbh, but I can't help who I hav"
  • "I found about this a little while back, and I felt like it'd be a good idea to spread the word since the Satanic Temple is often confused wi..."
  • Bamboo Cave
    "@P4ND4_L0V3R YEAH I'LL BE ON TOMORROW @Shadowlynx49 You are now my child. /vpos :)"
  • "(Can't wait! I've seen your character's bio, and he seems pretty cool. It's giving little brother vibes. :D)"
  • "(Alright lemme just-) [EDITED] Name: Flynn Gender: Male Preferred pronouns: He/him Personality: Gentle,"
  • Bamboo Cave
    "Yes you are, by ME- /j"
  • "(Can my character be the upper class one? In the backstory, he literally got disowned/abandoned at birth so- that'd fit.)"
  • "These are the actual seven tenants of the Satanic temple (founded in 2013) I One should strive to act with compassion and empat"
  • "Name: Flynn Gender: Male Preferred pronouns: He/him Personality: Gentle, patient, independent, nonchalant, wise, playful, "
  • "May I join? :D"
  • "Thank you for the advice. Mind you, most of this happens in person, both me and my crush are homeschooled highschoolers so when we do end up..."

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