HomicidalLiuMine's Profile

Joined on Oct 16, 2023
Status Level: Newbie
HomicidalLiuMine's Quizzes
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HomicidalLiuMine's Recent Posts
"Any minute now"
"bro wtf🤣"
"I hope my mom isn't at work when I get home, and if she is at work please God let my dad be in a good mood🙏"
"school ends in 17 minutes!!! I hope Thursday arrives soon cause on Friday we have no school."
"I have no clue why I just typed that lmao"
"shut don't go the f--- up"
"I love cheese."
"what you mean???"
"Mr. meowgi my gray cat woke me up last night"
"If there's piss on my bathroom floor again bella's gonna get it. I still love my bell boo though.."
"I can't wait to see daisy, I love her so much, she's the best dog in the world. Her full nickname is daisydukybear."
HomicidalLiuMine's Recent Quiz Comments
1 -
"Complete bulls---, you skinny as hell and I have a weight advantage as well as strength. I can lift 34 pounds with ease and I am quick…"
0 -
"wooooow! you are a master! you definitely ARE a pro who kick every butt in fights! you know them by heart! you are untouchable and know…"
1 -
"a punch is not about strength, it is about speed. You can knock the s--- out of someone with a quick punch even if you aren't that…"
1 -
"You would win me 83% in a fight. 83%
You would win the fight! You are a very good fighter, and you could become the best. I would…"
1 reply2 -
"You Have A 54%% Chance Of Victory! 54%
You would probably win, though I would easily make you regret fighting me, and you…"
1 reply2 -
"You got a test score of 80%. 80%
Your results reflect a solid performance, demonstrating a good understanding of the impossible…"
4 -
"Yeeeaaahh, omg I had a dream once like that."
In response to S_E_:
"I've always pretty much figured that I must've…"
1 -
"Well I want to end my life again."
In response to dannylover321:
"Suicide. Sigh.
You probably couldn't…"
1 -
"How Did You Die In a Past Life?
Your Result: By Suicide 74%
resultYou probably couldn't handle life anymore so you…"