How Well Would You Do Against Me In A Fight

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Does anyone read these? yiefurgdisufydvdiuyfbidusgdifhvfibdfskhgfdiusvfdjgfdahfdjgyfdvhjdfsvuydsyfuihvjnbsuaygegdfvbjdgudfguvdbuyvdsbauvdbuyvdasbuvdygivdybduyis

Does anyone read these? icanreadaurebeadshandihavehahyfebfydfvfsgydfbdfgyudfbdfsgufdgdfsvbuyfdgyufdvyufdgdfsbydfusfdvdfyuvfdstarwarsstarwarscaptainrex

Created by: Advanced_Gaming
  1. How Old Are You?
  2. How Tall Are You?
  3. What's Your Gender?
  4. What's Your Build?
  5. How Much Training Do You Have?
  6. How Fast Can You Run a Mile?
  7. If a Baseball is Thrown At You (Full Speed), What % Chance do You Have at Dodging it?
  8. Does your Passion Give you Strength?
  9. Are You Willing To Fight Dirty In A Winning Fight?
  10. You Are Punched In The Gut, Hard. What Do You Do?
  11. Would You Hit a Girl?
  12. What Is Your Pain Tolerance?
  13. Are You a Pacifist?
  14. How Many Fights Have You Been In?
  15. What Is Your Max. Bench Press? (In pounds)
  16. How Much Can You Dead-Lift? (In pounds, again)
  17. Weapon of Choice?
  18. What do you do with pain?
  19. How Would You Rate Your Sword fighting Skills?
  20. Pick One Weakness That Fits You Most.
  21. Leg Day During Physical Education! Your Reaction is:
  22. You See Two Of Your Friends Fighting, What Do You Do?
  23. Where are you at the end of a fight you won?
  24. Can you pull a flawless Obi-Ani?
  25. Do you start or end fights?
  26. I get stronger the more pain I feel, have a resolve to always get back up, even to the point where it may not be such a good thing. Does this intimidate you?

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