Would you win fight with me?

Hi! I'm Wiktor and I really like fighting! But I don't have often occasions... That's why I've done that quiz - becouse there's still 0,00000001% chances that we'll meet and fight each other... right?

There are some informations about me, maybe we both are in similar categories: I'm 14, I've 5,5 ft / 1,7 m height and 125 pounds / 57 kg weight. Write your categories in comment!

Created by: WiktorOk
  1. Do you like fighting?
  2. How old are you?
  3. How tall are you?
  4. What is your weight?
  5. Are you substantial?
  6. How often do you seriously fight (not for fun)?
  7. And how many of fights have you won (not these for fun)?
  8. What people have you fought the most with?
  9. Do you plan how would you fight?
  10. You prefere...
  11. So who starts - me or you?
  12. Your goal is to...
  13. Do you fight agressive?
  14. But what if I would hurt you firmly, what would you do?
  15. How are we dressed?
  16. Could be there any people watching us?
  17. Why do we even fight?
  18. Now excample situation 1: I'm pushing you to the wall, what are you doing?
  19. Excample situation 2: I'm lying on you and I'm choking you, what are you doing?
  20. Excample situation 3: You've hit me hard, I fell on the floor, What are you doing?

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