Why do you Fight?

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In the depths of your despair, when there seems to be nothing left to hope for, what is it that keeps you going? What would you give your all to? What would you do everything for? What is it that’s providing to you a beacon for your love? Why are you trying to change the world?

Everything comes back to love. So what fuels your love? What is the part of your love that gives you your drive to keep on fighting, keep on loving, keep on sacrificing all that you need to sacrifice?

Created by: Dreyri Aldranaris
  1. What hurts you the most?
  2. If you could be an animal what would you be?
  3. If you could physically fight a corrupted spirit, what spirit would you most want to fight?
  4. You fought the spirit. You lost the fight. How do you feel?
  5. You find a tiny sapling. Why do you nurture it?
  6. If you had to be an ecosystem, what would you be?
  7. You find a single feather on the ground. What do you do
  8. Choose a girl/woman god to speak with.
  9. Choose a boy/man god to speak with.
  10. Choose a genderqueer god to speak with.
  11. When you are brought to anger how do you rationalize those emotions within yourself?
  12. When despair overcomes your heart and you seek solace and respite, what do you look to as a source of hope?
  13. You are dying on the battlefield, struck by an enemy. What thoughts flow through your mind?
  14. Your best friend is dying on the battlefield. What are your last words to them?
  15. You won the battle. At the gates of the mansion of the most powerful enemy, two girls, covered in blood and bruises from the fighting, are kissing in the sunlight. What is your reaction?
  16. You perform a small act of kindness. Why do you do this?

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Quiz topic: Why do I Fight?
