2v2 fight - me and my friend VS you and your friend

First - I'm 14, I'm 5'5 ft (1,7 m) tall and I weigh 125 pounds (57 kg). I don't practice any martial arts but I've got good fight experience. I'm slim and above averge muscular, I'm running very fast and I'm agile, unpredictable and flexible. I can bench 143 pounds (65 kg) one time.

My friend is 14 too, he's 5'7 ft (1,75 m) tall and weigh 138 pounds (63 kg). He doesn't practice any material arts but he want to fight everyone everyday and he often wins. He's muscular, he runs averge and he is strong and agressive. He benches 175 pounds (80 kg) one time.

Created by: WiktorOk
  1. First, if you didn't read two first paragraphs, do it now. Ready? Ok. Who of us could you fight with?
  2. Who of us could your friend fight with?
  3. Choose fight option:
  4. How old are you two?
  5. What are your two weighs?
  6. What are your two heighs?
  7. You would like to:
  8. Your friend would like to:
  9. Do you and your friend often wrestle/grapple/fight?
  10. Have you any material arts trainings? (We: no)
  11. Are you muscular? (Me: averge, friend: muscular)
  12. Do you fight agressive? (Me: no, friend: yes)
  13. Do you two would like to fight us shirtless? (We: yes!)
  14. What's your (you both) goal in our fight? (We: Choke you / your friend lying on you)
  15. Your friend fight with one of us and you fight second. You handle well but your friend, suddenly, goes down. What do you do?

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Quiz topic: 2v2 fight - me and my friend VS you and my friend
