Which of my Taekwondo instructors are you (Olsons MA)?

Hello! This is Endeavor, you may or may not have done one of my other quizzes. This quiz is for any Olson’s Martial Arts Academy students, who want to figure out which instructor they are most like. Good luck!

Hello! This quiz is for any Olson’s Martial Arts Academy students, who want to figure out which instructor they are most like. I personally hope to be most like Mrs. Diaz. Good luck out there Martial Artists!

Created by: Endeavor
  1. Your in charge of a group of White Belts, but there’s a kid being rowdy. You’ve already told him to sit quietly, and he ignored you. Why do you do?
  2. An instructor just called you up to help demonstrate a technique, what is it?
  3. Which of these is your favorite?
  4. Who’s your favorite instructor?
  5. What belt are you?
  6. What’s your favorite thing to teach?
  7. What’s your favorite weapon?
  8. And finally, what’s your favorite tenet?
  9. I didn’t realize there had to be ten questions. Favorite kick?
  10. Favorite hand technique?

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Quiz topic: Which of my Taekwondo instructors am I (Olsons MA)?
