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- 1.8K
So have you ever thought about what your true color may be? Well hears a short, simple, fun quiz that will tell you just that! Green, Blue, Purple, or Yellow? …
- 24.3K
Are you ready to find out which one of these guys is your soulmate? I won't tell you who's a possible prince charming for you. This why you are truely matched …
- 2.3K
Have you watched the movie Twilight? Have you read the book Twilight? If so, take this quiz and find out which team you …
- 40.9K
THis quiz is really about movies. What your life is about. Are you meant for romance, or is sticking solo your idea of a great future? Are you meant for …
- 12.3K
In the past few years/months, the Arashi fanbase has been steadily growing. From the few overseas fans the band has garnered since their debuted in 1999, the …
- 2.6K
Have you ever wondered if you and Edward could fall in love. Well this quiz will anser that question. So take a couple …
- 4.7K
figure out if you are emo, goth, stupid, or just normal. Emo questions are questons such as how often do you cut yourself. Goth questions are ones such as do …
- 8.5K
There's a lot of different people in school/life. Who are you? I tried my best to be unbiased in this quiz but if you have a problem with something, please …
- 3.3K
After hearing some hikers calling themselves "professional hiker", I have given a lot of thought to how people could possibly rate themselves as a hiker. I …
- 19.1K
There are some people out there who wants to dye their hair but they don't know what color to dye it. If you take this quiz you can find out what color hair …