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- 10.4K
Alot of people think they know who they are in their school,but alot are wrong.Some people think they are the trouble maker or the popular person.But,they dont …
- 15.5K
Which actor are you more like. do you help people? are you a dare devil? well read this and find who you are, think its a hoax no way, completely VIRUS FREE. …
- 39.4K
The world is full of relationships of all kinds. The greatest of these is of that between two lovers. But many relationships fail around the world because of …
- 14.3K
There are many great names out there, but there are also many bad names out there that no one wants to be called. If you take this quiz you will find a perfect …
- 30.5K
Okay, I'm pathetic. This is like the millionith quiz I've made. So, you probably know the drill. My house, party, guys come you're shocked. Yadda yadda yadda. …
- 161K
Have you ever wonered WHAT KIND OF PERSON YOU ARE??? are you tired of those stupid stereotype quizzes! take this quiz to find out the hidden person inside …
- 21.6K
Many people listen to different types of music. This quiz will show you what you should listen to. This quiz is based on personality and your favorite bands …
- 2.2K
Are you a Die-Hard Britney fan? Do you have the knowledge of Ms. Spears to be one of her ultimate fans? Lets find out in just 10 questions! It only takes a few …
- 2K
Twilight is a hot topic to discuss.Some are true fans.Some just want it to go away.I made this quiz to see what other people think.Also to prove a point.this …
- 31.5K
take this test to find out what kind of tomboy you are. you might get a surprise on what you find out!oh, and please no boys, this quiz is for girls ONLY. …