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- 11.7K
there are many sneaks.but there are true sneaks like if that's possible.a sneak is a person who is when something is taking away from him/her they sneak it …
- 37.9K
There are many people out there who, when you look at them you can tell right where their from. The question is do you think I can guess where you are from? …
- 5.4K
Come find out what ability you may have hidden deep inside! Take the test right NOW!!! You could find out something you never knew before! TEST NOW!!! YOU HAVE …
- 2.8K
this quiz will tellyou what would be a good name for you. i used three names that i liked and made up a steriotype for them. depending on how you answer the …
- 76.3K
Everyone has a crush, even if they won't admit it. Guys normally show they have a crush on a girl by, being best friends, always talking, following her aroung, …
- 6.6K
What element of nature are you like? Find out now by taking this quiz! It will only take a few minutes to do so! I have listed only 7 kinds out of them. Enjoy …
- 16.8K
In this world, there are many smart people (a hundred million of them), and some of them really have mind powers (a thousand of them). But there are a whole …
- 79.9K
Have you ever wondered if you and your crush are soul-mates? If yes then this is the test for you! See if it's going to happen or see if it's time to move on! …
- 15.6K
What are you afriad of. Find out. I know this quiz will suck 'cause I was forsed into it. Please comment and let my friends see that this was an extremly bad …
- 9.6K
7 minutes in heaven! Take the quiz to see what happens with the guy in the closet! I know what's gunnu happen but you don't...yet. Take my quiz and find out! …