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- 4.7K
figure out if you are emo, goth, stupid, or just normal. Emo questions are questons such as how often do you cut yourself. Goth questions are ones such as do …
- 8.5K
There's a lot of different people in school/life. Who are you? I tried my best to be unbiased in this quiz but if you have a problem with something, please …
- 3.3K
After hearing some hikers calling themselves "professional hiker", I have given a lot of thought to how people could possibly rate themselves as a hiker. I …
- 19.1K
There are some people out there who wants to dye their hair but they don't know what color to dye it. If you take this quiz you can find out what color hair …
- 9.6K
There are many people in the world, but does anyone know if they are fat or not? Take this quiz to find out! Are You Fat? You will be amazed with the …
- 5.3K
All celebrities are different with their own personality quirks. Some are wild and crazy while others are just like the girls next door. Their personalities …
- 11.7K
there are many sneaks.but there are true sneaks like if that's possible.a sneak is a person who is when something is taking away from him/her they sneak it …
- 37.9K
There are many people out there who, when you look at them you can tell right where their from. The question is do you think I can guess where you are from? …
- 5.4K
Come find out what ability you may have hidden deep inside! Take the test right NOW!!! You could find out something you never knew before! TEST NOW!!! YOU HAVE …
- 2.8K
this quiz will tellyou what would be a good name for you. i used three names that i liked and made up a steriotype for them. depending on how you answer the …