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- 7.5K
therer are many different people in the world. do you know where you belong??? this quize can tell you what kind of demon you are, so take my quiz...go on …
- 12.1K
My quiz is about different mythical creatures you could be. There are several different outcomes to this quiz. A mythical creature is an animal that is …
- 2.8K
Country may refer to the territory of a state, or to a smaller, or former, political division of a geographical region. In another meaning of the word, the …
- 5.5KFinding your dream guy3.05rated: 3.05/5Promoted 15 years agotaken 5.5K times3 comments
Everyone dreams about there dream guy.Dream Guy,afterall,someone who only exist's in your mind.What if you could find your Perfect dream guy in this quiz? Would …
- 32K
ok, theres been lots of these quizzes for girls where they wanna know if that boy loves them or not, rite? but i fort sum boys in this website mite need one of …
- 24.2K
Everyone gets old sometime. So what would your name be if you were an old person. Girls only please! hi my name is bob …
- 4.1K
I bet you are wondering what your kids name is gonna be???? Well if I was you i would be. And with this quiz, you can figure out what your kids name is gonna …
- 20K
alot of people want to know if there spoiled or not (even me) so thats why i made this quiz,so i could tell people if they need to ither be nicer or ask for …
- 195K
There are a lot of songs out there that can describe someones life. Some are sad, some are happy, some are dramatic, some are smooth and quiet. So many songs …
- 29.1K
You know some song lyrics, right? Well I hope you do, because you're gonna need some of that knowledge in this quiz! I am going to test you on how well you know …