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- 11.7K
There are many members of the Volturi - and the Volturi Guard - over 30 actually, but not all of the members have special powers/gifts/talents. What is the …
- 8.8K
This quiz is about how positive you are and how you see life. It is very interesting to see your results as I have tried this out on many people and they are …
- 68.5K
a fairy element is a unique power a fairy wields. even though we're humans any one who's good at heart is a fairy , the only problem is those people don't know …
- 24.6K
There are pretty people, there are ugly people. Can't get simpler. And you either have or you don't. But there are people who think they are pretty, but really …
- 1KHow Well Do You Know Beauty Broadcast?3.26rated: 3.26/5Promoted 15 years agotaken 1K times
Beauty Broadcast is an online source of beauty knowledge. Through YouTube videos, blogs, and a Facebook Fan Page, Emily keeps you up to date on the latest in …
- 4.6K
Hello and welcome to my quiz. I`m just going to warn you that these Result personality`s are not accurat. Not even a tiny bit. It`s just the names that count. …
- 16.6K
see how old you are. see if you got it in you or not. oldy or baby.i think you will like it.I LOVE dogs.Hopefully you know your human personality. jfkerjhdfkgh …
- 9.3K
There are many wierdos and freaks in the world. Are you one of them? Take this quiz and find out. You may be a total freak. (which is a good thin) Take this …
- 12K
Many different descriptions can arise as to the Typical Teenager. The Grungy Guy, Drama Queen, Butterfly, Nerd, Jock, Artsy Fartsy type, and Outcast are all …
- 3.4K
This is a 99.999999999% accurate test about what your stereotype is.Find out weather or not you are Emo, Punk, Goth, Snot, or Nerd. If you don't like the quiz, …