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- 4.9K
You may think you know a lot about yourselves, and you probably do, but do you really know your real personality? You can find what your true self is by taking …
- 303K
According to Florence Littauer, there are four dominant types of personality: sanguine, choleric, melancholy, and phlegmatic. Each personality type has its …
- 20.4K
Do you watch friends? If you do, you might want to take this quiz i made, and see which character you are most like from friends! Take the test! Take it! I …
- 13K
Ever imagine that when you're going to die...have you ever imagined that when you go to heaven hopefully or hell hopefully not. What your soul's wings would …
- 1.8KHow Nerdy/Geeky are you?3.26rated: 3.26/5Promoted 15 years agotaken 1.8K times3 comments
This quiz is good for checking if you are nerdy/geeky!!It, useing its amazing awesomness, will find if you are very nerdy, or if you are the cool kid on the …
- 3K
I made this quiz because I was board. this is my opinion so good luck.Maybe you will like my quiz maybe you won't. Anyway you win some you lose some. …
- 22.8K
There are many different crimes that one could commit. Shop lifing, drug charges, and even murder. Certain types of people commit certain crimes. But its hard …
- 6.3K
Do you like food? Food can be healthy or bad for you, or just ok. There are many different kinds of food, what kind do you like? Are you scared to take this …
- 11.2K
There are romantic people, less-romantic people and even extreme romantic people! What is romance? You see, it's relationship between a boy and a girl. …
- 2.1K
This accurate quiz will tell you how fun you really are.Do people like to be around you when you're at a party or just hanging out? Or, have you been left out …