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- 4.2K
this will tell you who you are are you crazy are you nice who knows lets find out take this personality quiz okay just do it take it take it take it yes please …
- 10.5K
There are many different branches of CSI but which New York chracter are you most like? You can be Danny, Don, Sheldon, Mac, Lindsay or Stella. Which one will …
- 940Which HO guy is your perfect match?3.84rated: 3.84/5Promoted 15 years agotaken 940 times3 comments
We've watched them fall in and out of love, make the wrong choices and finally get things right. Will your perfect match give you the Sunset Ending you've …
- 4.2K
Kathleen McGowan's bestselling novel, The Expected One, introduced the world to a series of extraordinary characters, both from the 1st century and the 21st …
- 18.5K
I have just discovered the power of animology...but unfortunately someone else has made a quiz about that already, so I can't. I don't know how anyway! …
- 11.6K
Many people are sometimes confuse about a certain person. Whether to consider them as their friend, love, or no one at all. Many times they feel as if one …
- 161K
Is it love, or lust? The real thing or just a fling? Well your about to find out, are you left questioning whether this boy likes you or not, well here it …
- 3.7K
You are about to go to a gorgeous mansion with 4 cuties! You have a month to pick which one you want to be with! There's Seth, Alex, Josh and my personal …
- 54.3K
Haven't you always wondered who your true love would be? And haven't you always been desperate what they would be like.Well here's you chance to find out. …
- 2.8K
All right, this quiz tests what element you are: fire, water, air, or earth. I learned about those not too long ago in school, so they are all accurate. Please …