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- 1.6K
Who are you oposittes do you have a h8 for good people? what about the shy ones there is only one true way to find out and that is here.Just make sure you are …
- 6.4K
You at my party and we're playing 9 minutes in heaven. Obvisouly, I mean common. There are six guys you can get, which one will you get? Take the quiz, take it …
- 13.8K
Many people think they know how to survive with vampires around. When you really think about it though they are hopeless.I mean what does it truthfully take to …
- 278K
How white are you? The white stereotype quiz. Some think there aren't stereotypical assumptions made about white people. Some people would be wrong! Can't …
- 545K
There are a few pretties in the world. But are you one of them? i made this quiz so that people could find out. A lot of people are looking up quizzes like this …
- 3K
So, what kind of job do you want. Some people want to go to school for a long time to make really good money, and some people don't really care at all! …
- 4.1K
Well, here is the question: Does your crush like you? Well do they? This is just a quiz. It isn't that accurate. Well, here is the question: Does your crush …
- 9.7K
This is probably more of a Girls quiz than anything... It all comes down to Vampires and Werewolves.. or more specifically Edward or Jacob? Do you prefer …
- 18.4K
This Twilight quiz is designed on a points system to find out which character you are most like. They are real questions that ask about your personality, not …
- 102K
There are many factors that determine body shape such as diet, genetics, and lifestyle. If you would like to know for certain, what your body type is, please …