What Color Are You? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What Color Are You?
Your Result: Green
You are most like the swaying trees in the forests on the Earth. You love the Earth and are determined to solve economic problems but you also are stubborn and never sway when you think something isn't right.
Well, sounds just like me, but most green people are more worried about ecoLOGICAL problems, more than ecoNOMIC. But I THINK that's what it meant lol ;)
Your Result: Blue
You are most like the flowing rivers and oceans of our Earth. You resemble peace and serenity allowing you to smoothly slide out of any situation peacefully and without violence.
Yeah I got blue it's my fav. color .Nice quiz .I guess we both like blue .>:/ Playing haha
Xy6241 -
Thanks everyone and i know darkness isn't an element but i felt it would fit the darker people on this website so i added it. I appreciate that you guys commented on my quiz and seemed to enjoy it so i thank you guys!!! :D
Ponn1 -
Thanks and I am making an improved version of this quiz to fit specific needs.If anyone has some ideas to tell me it would be helpful.Thanks again!
Ponn1 -
Hi everybody who commented on my quiz! I would be very greatful if you would give your honest opinion on how it is so I can change any flaws in it. Thanks! :D
Ponn1 -
Nice, except that darkness isn't an element...
Nice quiz. I got white. Very accurate. Nicely written description.
Sweet Thanks I appreciate it!
Ponn1 -
Nice Quiz i got purple the results fit me and purple is my fav colour :)
cute24681 -
Ponn1 -
I got brown, but i'm like the exact opposite of that. I hate sports.
Yellow? Kind of an odd choice, but is pretty acurate
White--- uhh really? i dont always look to the good side of things. but its true that this quiz is really good! =)
Gud quiz got ma fav color & it fitted me perfectly
white... pretty cool and i loved the description, made me smile. very nice quiz.
I'm fine, thanks. Love this quiz! I gave it 10 stars! (I swear on your grave! LOL).
Black... eh, I guess so. Oh, and please take my quiz, "What Kind of Satanist are you...rawr!"
Hey how are you?
Ponn1 -
it is not really true brown? im not know as a sporty type
penguin1 -
yay yellow. but my fav color is red :( but awesome quiz.
cheerx31 -
SeXy161 -
ooh, white
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