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- 12.7K
There are many people out there who are not ready to die. And those that have died cant accept it. They think there is nothing waiting for them on the other …
- 21.9K
A "Look" is something that can control what you grab when you snoop around in the closet, and what you end up buying while in the store. A person's "Look" can …
- 2.5K
There are lots of people who watch Pokemon. But plenty still ask the question, "What are Pokemon?" They are Animal like creatures full of wonder! Example: …
- 4.3K
Normality is a wonderful gift, and one that should be treasured throughout life. So many people have this gift, but they throw it away, looking for exciment. I …
- 3.6K
Are you ready to find out your inner color? Have you been wondering why all of those other quizes or sexest? well this quiz is for boys and girls..... …
- 25.2K
There are five really important people in the Pretty Little Liars series. So, which one are you? Are you Hanna, Emily, Spencer, aria, or the most mysterious, A? …
- 6.5K
Pets are delightful creatures who share the world with humans. There are many different kinds: Cats, dogs, gerbils, hampsters, you name it! But only one is …
- 103K
Girls like boys, boys like girls its just the way it goes.But does the girl you like, like you back take this quiz and find out how she really feels. …
- 40.1K
Pixar has made a lot of great computer-animated films. This is a personality test to see which character from a Pixar film you are. I couldn't fit them all, but …
- 12.6K
Have you ever truly wondered what you should name your child? With this quiz you can, but not by your personal thoughts, but by how you answer the questions. …