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- 7.1K
There are many quizzes out there that say that they are the best at finding out what guy you attract, but none can compare to this quiz. I have taken the time …
- 5.3K
What wierd and rare word are you? I only chose 5 words, which of them describes you? It all depends on your personality and what you pick as an answer. …
- 71.1K
There are many ways you can die. It could be by your own will, against your will, completely sudden or unknowingly, sad, crazy, or maybe funny. The choices are …
- 19K
You all love anime, and sometimes want to look as cool as them! Take this quiz to find out what YOU would look like as an anime girl!!!! Once you have foudn …
- 24K
Do you ever wonder what your dreams mean? If so you can take this short quiz or check out, which yes, I talk about once or twice throughout the …
- 5.5K
Almost everyone wants to know how their future will be, are you one of them? Just take the quiz if you want to , if you dont, JUST TAKE THE QUIZ PLEASE!!! …
- 8.3K
Many girls wonder what kind of guys go for them. And since you're taking this, you're one of them... …
- 6.5K
We all know the apocalypse is coming. Either through global warming, nuclear holocaust, moral collapse or a combination …
- 2.4K
So there are allot of quizzes out there that tell you how you will die. Like, car wreck or being killed by a pshyco. Well, those are ways that are more likely …
- 9.6K
A band is made of many members. Sometimes they aren't necassary, but five members are always needed. The bassist, singer, lead guitarist, rhythm guitarist, and …