Should you get a boyfriend or stay single? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Should you get a boyfriend or stay single?
Sorry I messed up anyways all the guys that like me are weird and my friends boyfriend is really cute but she pays him no mind and they NEVER talk so when they break up I am waiting a month then going for it but they are going on and off and it is making me mad and if that doesn't work out there are 50 kids from a school nearby coming to my grade next year maybe some will be cute
Your Result: Get A Boyfriend
It seems that your life would be a lot happier if you had a boyfriend, and it's good to always do what makes you happy. So I think that you should try to get a boyfriend.
Lol, 66% for getting a boyfriend and 56% for staying single. Actually I seem fine with the way things are right now. It's just weird that I am pretty sure I don't like boys though I'm not a lesbian, and I do have a few crushes.
Well I Haven't Had A Boyfriend In A Long Time They're Too Hard To Like Deal With, Yu Tell Em' Yu Love Him Everyday And It's Not Enough . Dis Quiz Saddens Me ):
im really angry cause it says i should get a boyfriend but the guy i like (really cute) wont ask me out and i havent had a boyfriend in 6 years and im 12 any hints offered
im mad but also glad becuase like its true that i should stay single i mean im only 1* (sorry im not giving the sec. digit)'well anyway im mad becuase i hate when people tell me how i should be and stuff i mean get a LIFE!! and stay out of mine!
kiah551 -
im mad but also glad becuase like its true that i should stay single i mean im only 1* (sorry im not giving the sec. digit)'well anyway im mad becuase i hate when people tell me how i should be and stuff i mean get a LIFE!! and stay out of mine!
kiah551 -
I know i should get a boyfriend but where??? So far only geeks and losers like me... all the cute guys only like me as a friend or don't even know i exist!!!!!
Result:get a boyfriend I'm going on a boyfriend hunt
smilez1 -
um being single sucks trust me i was for 3 years and not because i couldn't get any one i had girls wanting me i just chose not to beacuse im wayting for the right one...
My result is just as stupid as my single life. I don't think i need a bf now i'm just too unflirty. Im about 15 and never have a bf.
it saiid i should get a boyfriend, but all the guys that like me, that i know of are creepy not in a good way and annoying, only if the guys liked me grrrrr
I need to get a boyfriend
horses201 -
Being single is great! I dont understand people who hate it?! Even if my crush (realy cute) would ask me out, nahh!
i should go get a bf but nowadays there's so many choices!!
If only i was allowed......... *sigh*
eirene1 -
result: get a boyfriend; time to go searching XD
get a boyfriend:haha i knew it and i know exactly who it should be
teetee1 -
i should get a boyfriend where?
Anna1231 -
May the new true love
Yay they said I should be single cuz I luv it like that
sorry i got a little angery
kiah551 -
@jujayfourevs: Anyways isn't a wor :P
idk if im ready.....
luver61 -
what the hell what if i dont wanna stay single BI**!!!!
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