cute60411's Profile
Joined on Nov 20, 2015
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
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cute60411's Recent Quiz Comments
"I am dumb and I have no friends? You're dumb and YOU have no friends because you have bad grammar. There,"
1 -
"please gift me my aj user is cute60411"
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"Me too. I want a PopStar! I "
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"Someone make a YouTube Slumber Party Quiz! Make it a Series I love them. NVM I might go on Quotev to do this s---"
2 -
"Um. Someone tell me the anwsers to get Anthony. He is my youtube crush. Ever sense i saw smosh PLEASE TELL ME I ALWAYS GET JOE SUGG ;c"
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"Uh. I AM ANNOYING TO! Let's have annoying babies??? I think annoyingness is really funny XD lol seriously SO FUNNY"
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"Uh. Tyler is cheating on Miranda Sings? OMG!!!!!"
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"O_O Okai then."
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"Lol 0_0"
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"Matt. O_O"