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- 4.4K
Every two seconds a child is born. Sometimes they are little boys, sometimes they are little girls. Each have their own looks, and their own little …
- 6.6K
hey. What if you were the last person alive? No power, no nothing. what would you do? …
- 2.9K
There are many smart people, but few true geniuses. Genius is, afterall, quite exceptional. What is a genius? A very talented person who can fiure lots of …
- 11.3K
There are many different people in this world. Like people who would bend earth or fire, or water or air. Do you know which one you could bend? Well you can …
- 1.5K
You might think you are lovable but are you? Take this quiz to find out!! and maybe you can find somthing else about your self!! have lots of F U N! …
- 10.5K
What magic the gathering colors are you? this quiz is made to custom fit your personality. Each question either adds alot of points to a color, adds a little …
- 2K
if your lonesome and have certain feeling then that discribes you soul and gives you a certain personallity. your feelings gove you alot in life, because it …
- 52.2K
Ok there is a lot of quizes about Justin Bieber's dream girl (or something like that) but all they ask you is your interests not really the way you are. It's …
- 2.5K
Have you ever wondered how would you die? Maybe a car accident? Maybe being murdered? Find out by taking this quiz! Please comment! …
- 4.3K
What immortal are you? Are you a vampire? Are you a Guardian? Are you an angel? Find out the other immortals by taking this quiz. There are many immortals, …