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- 1.6K
Could you be good for me? Would we be a good couple? I don't know. That's why I made this quiz to see if our personalities match, maybe they do! You don't …
- 28.7K
Nicknames are cool names that people are often to be called, although they are not truly your real name. A nickname can tell a lot about you, and can be …
- 5.9K
Most people have a feeling inside them that they can't understand. Sometimes this feeling can haunt you-or bring you peace. Some can go crazy and go to extremes …
- 6.7K
There are many children of the gods some are powerful and strong. Others not so much so find out witch god/goddess is your parent to know your strengths. …
- 1.4K
PLEASE READ THIS. This quiz is not lighthearted,or funny.It is for those with this burden,that they must carry.I feel for you.Do you hear strange voices in …
- 8.6K
Are you a demi-god? Do you think you have Greek god ancestors? Maybe you're just curious to find out which Greek god you're most like. Try this quiz to find out …
- 24.5K
What type of person will you fall in love with? There are many people with different personalities that you could fall in love with, but which personality will …
- 5.3K
i am not a geek at all and if you want to meet live in waterloo or kitchener ontario my accoun for youtube my account is 100000zombies message me some time …
- 10.2K
Just about everybody will go through a breakup, but what kind of ex will you be? There are mean exes, the types that people are afraid to break up with, nice …
- 2.4KWhat kind of Georger are you?3.6rated: 3.6/5Promoted 14 years agotaken 2.4K times1 comment
Where's George is a hobby that has about 50,000 active members and over 5 million members listed as registered users. With literally nearly $1 Trillion worth of …