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- 1.3K
their are only a few people that can score big.Such as me,my friends,and others.scoring big is the meaning of this test is not about scoring but for …
- 2.5KWhat Vampire Are You?3.23rated: 3.23/5Promoted 14 years agotaken 2.5K times2 comments
There are many people out there. But which ones are the vampires? Are you one? Maybe, Maybe not. Take this quiz to find out what vampire you are exactly and how …
- 3.8K
Many people resemble gods but not all of them know it. Take this quiz so you will finally know and so you can stop the maddness of not knowing who you are. …
- 22.8K
i love taking quizzes on this website especially ones about your inner spirit and wat fictional character would you be etc. i took a really fun quiz that gave …
- 16.4K
Which Fairy Tail mage are you? Come take the quiz to see which one of these powerful and loveable wizards you are most like. Get the result and share it with …
- 1.6K
- 11.7K
There are: infants, toddlers, children, tweenagers, teenagers, young adults, adults and seniors. But this is a quiz about how much an adult you are. Here's the …
- 33K
Over the years, people change. Whether you want to believe it or not, we go through changes. We find different outlooks, styles and sometimes we may even change …
- 8.6K
Are you having a hard time figuring out what you want to be for Halloween? It can be tricky, but I'm sure you'll figure it out on time! Happy Halloween! …
- 10.4K
Everyone is different.People have lots of different personalities. For example a comedian could be smart and funny, or a friend could be kind and understanding. …