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- 11KHow Well Do You Know My Hero Academia?3.91rated: 3.91/5Promoted 6 years agotaken 11K times3 comments
This quiz is pretty simple and kinda stupid. However it will boost you ego just like Bakugou. No that's terrible, but enough with that take it already! …
- 486
This show is full of clever jokes--how many can you recall? Try this quiz and find out! …
- 47.1K
There are many smart sisters out there but some are just plain stupid. Have you ever wondered "how stupid is my sister" Well this quiz answers your question ! …
- 11K
Each of the great composers has their own unique style. One could almost say their music has a personality. By analyzing patterns and music theory, it is …
- 15.3K
In this quiz, I will attempt to determine how much of a weeb you are, and whether you are one at all. Try to answer everything as accurately as you can. Don't …
- 10.8KWhat is Your Fairy Power?4.14rated: 4.14/5Promoted 6 years agotaken 10.8K times2 comments
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a fairy? Well I have, many, many times (Im obsessed with mythical creatures) I have also wondered what power …
- 18.4Kwhich BTS member likes you the most?3.77rated: 3.77/5Promoted 6 years agotaken 18.4K times3 comments
which bts memmber wants you the most is a great question too you maybe it will be great if you find out the truth by answering just some questions which are …
- 533What Grey's Anatomy girl are you most like?4.47rated: 4.47/5Promoted 6 years agotaken 533 times
This is a quiz to find out what greys anatomy girl you are most like. The results include: Meredith Grey, Amelia Shepherd, Addison Montgomery, Maggie Pierce, …
- 5.7KWhat type of quarterback are you?3.77rated: 3.77/5Promoted 6 years agotaken 5.7K times
This quiz can help identify what kind of playing style you apply when you play the quarterback position. It doesn't determine which you should play, it …
- 4.2KWhich College Football Team should you root for1.89rated: 1.89/5Promoted 6 years agotaken 4.2K times2 comments
you need a team to root for so pick oneyou need a team to root for so pick oneyou need a team to root for so pick oneyou …