What Dojutsu Do You Have

This is a quiz to see what Dōjutsu you have.You could have the mighty rinne sharingan or no Dōjutsu at all.Take this quiz to see what Dōjutsu you will have.

There are many stages of this quiz.There are some learn about you’s and some scenarios where you choose what to do.This will see what Dōjutsu is worthy for you.

Created by: SixtyTomoes
  1. What is your favorite color
  2. What Clan do you want to be in
  3. What is your favorite Naruto character
  4. You see something scary chasing you.What do you do next
  5. You see that your house is under complete control of this random selfish "dude".What do you do next?
  6. You are on a mission to attack the enemy sound village.You arrive at night.What do you do next?
  7. What village do you want to be from?
  8. How do people think of you?
  9. What do you think of yourself
  10. What is your favorite jutsu
  11. You have some free time.What do you do in your free time?
  12. What is your goal in life

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