Life of a warrior cat!

you take this quiz to see what type of cat you are you will be able to see is you are in river clan blood clan ext. have fun don't fail I did my best!

you can get dead or not get dead hoisjdjaosdfijsdfoiajsdfoijsadfoij..jfoaisdf ihasfhfyrbhrybfr65665 hhrgguhuhfgjfuhguiosueehffiuwheefiiuhwerfiuwhefiuweufiuhhef

Created by: Menchie Freckles
  1. which clan?
  2. were would you like to live in
  3. are you old?
  4. what color would you prefer to be?
  5. do you want kits?
  6. what is your role?
  7. how do you hunt
  8. do you believe in star clan?
  9. how would you like to die?
  10. last one what would your prefix be?

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