A Day in the Life of a Warrior Cat 3

Hello again! Welcome back to the life of Crystal Paw! Are you ready to become a warrior? Yes? Good! You are Silver Star and Moon Fur’s daughter, so you should be!

The last thing you are able to remember is running towards the nursery and pouncing on the back of an invading Marsh Clan tom. Then, a screech and running paw steps, and then blackness.

Created by: Echosong
  1. You wake up in the medicine cat den with Peach Blossom, the healer, standing over you. You have a headache and many stinging scratches.
  2. Berry Nose, River Paw, Diamond Paw, Moon Fur and Silver Star rush into the den. “Thank you so much, Crystal Paw.” Berry Nose pants. “You saved me and my kittens!”
  3. Peach Blossom gives you herbs to get rid of your headache and plasters cobwebs on your wounds.
  4. After a day, you leave the medicine cat’s den and are back to your apprentice duties. Lion Claw, your ginger mentor, takes you out for an assessment.
  5. Lion Claw sends you to hunt for the whole of Reed Clan.
  6. As you stalk a mouse, you wonder whether this is your last assessment.
  7. You bring back three mice, two thrushes and two rabbits!
  8. After the Clan has eaten, Silver Star calls a Clan Meeting. “Crystal Paw, you are a worthy warrior. Your name shall be Crystal Breeze.” You are a warrior!
  9. You sit vigil with your brother and sister; River Ripple and Diamond Sky.
  10. The next morning, you decide to wake up early and go out on a hunting patrol. You take River Ripple and Diamond Sky.
  11. You bring a rabbit and a mouse back to camp, River Ripple has a thrush and Diamond Sky drags two voles. Where do you take the prey?
  12. Silver Star leaps down from his den with Moon Fur and pads over to you. “I know you three just hunted, but could you please go on a border patrol?”
  13. You and your siblings leave the camp for a second time to patrol the borders. You haven’t gone far when a Marsh Clan patrol attacks you!
  14. It turns out that the Marsh Clan patrol want to notify you of a trio of foxes heading onto your territory.
  15. No sooner than the rival patrol leaves, the three foxes arrive! They attack!

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