Which Warrior Clan are you in???

Have you ever wondered what warrior Clan you would be in??? Well this quiz is here to help you! From all the dead cats to the alive ones we hope you get the answer you want!

From all the way to Thunderclan to the Dark Forest we will see your ability and how good you are! Didn't get the answer you wanted? Well that's too bad you picked it yourself >:)

Created by: Ravenwing
  1. You find a Kittypet (house cat) in your territory, what do you do?
  2. There is a war going on between 2 clans and one of the Clans begs for your help. What do you do?
  3. You are in a fight and the other cat is trying to kill you, what do you do?
  4. You are a medicine cat but you or your mate is expecting kits!!! What do you do? (It's againsed the medicine cat code to be a medicine cat and have kits or take a mate)
  5. You are on a hunting patrol and you are starving! You catch a mouse, do you eat it?
  6. You want to hunt in another Clans territory, do you though?
  7. Which one do you want to be, a warrior or a medicine cat?
  8. (Ravenwing is a apprentice but his name was going to be Ravenwing) Next question: Are you loyal?
  9. A cat from your Clan is trying to kill you, what do you do?
  10. Do you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Warrior Clan am I in???
