what is your Warrior Cat name, clan and life?

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what is your name, clan, and life as a warrior cats? there are three riverclan(sorry) that are all kin. there is one shadow clan, one ThunderClan, one windclan, one skyclan, and one bloodclan.

sorry again for the three riverclan cats. there all my OC's (again, sorry about that) and kin. (the next few letters are just to waste characters.) oaisdjf o[awejf poaisdjf aosishf apoweif awpoei. (sorry about that. <:)

  1. do you want a mate/kits?
  2. what clan are you from?
  3. Do you believe In StarClan?
  4. what suits you the best?
  5. are you ready for the results
  6. did you like this quiz?
  7. WOF or WC?
  8. what number of results do you hope to get?
  9. (this one doesn't count.) What is your favorite desert
  10. personality? (actually the last one)

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Quiz topic: What is my Warrior Cat name, clan and life?
