Does he like me back? (Quiz for GIRLS ONLY)

Thanks for taking this quiz! If you don't like it, plz don't be mad, this is my very first quiz, ever! I'm like an amateur at quiz making!🤦 oh well, have a nice day

have a nice day sleep well, good luck, break a leg, have fun, hope you enjoyed this quiz, ps im just bored, pplz have a nice day... i think you have a great potential

Created by: boycrazyquizgirl
  1. Most basic question, does he know you exist?
  2. Do you ever talk? If so, who engages the conversation more often?
  3. If you forgot your sweater at home and you're outside for a class, what would he likely do?
  4. What do you talk about? (if you talk at all)
  5. Does he ever tease you?
  6. If you were sitting alone at lunch, what would he do?
  7. Does your ship name sound good? (i.e your name+his name)
  8. Does he ever stare at you? (in a good way)
  9. Have you ever touched? (i.e highfive or hug)
  10. Do your friends ship you and him?
  11. Finally, did you like this quiz? (does not effect results)

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