Would you survive the lore?

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Hi and welcome to my quiz please by the drink shown on the front and back of the menu in the toilet and the back of the frigde in canada ten means 11 dont yes omg

Baller Yo nice im forced to write stuff here lol idk so um ye nice epic balls so i see you like curry right yes btw ty for taking the quiz ty yes and ye

Created by: Cunyet Arkin
  1. There are 3 possible paths you can take. What do you choose?
  2. You see a man who looks asian and in his 40s, Both his eyes have coloured flames flying out of them. One is red and one is purple. He walks toward you smiling... What do you do?
  3. You enter a hall, there is a man on a stage giving a letcure about some kind of services. He asks you to come on stage. What do you do?
  4. You enter a wearhouse, you enconter a man wearing a orange aprin. He offers you a deal, do you accept?
  5. You hear sounds of yelling outside, when you go to investigate you see a man in a purple shirt beating up loads of people. What do you do?
  6. Your walking down the street and you see an old man wearing a tuxedo without any sleeves screaming. What do you do?
  7. An indian man asked you to help him save someone during a bridge accident. What do you do?
  8. Its the middle of the night. Your walking down the street and you see an old spanish woman asking you for help. What do you do?
  9. Which side would you join?
  10. What is the best kind of helicopter
  11. What is the most dangerous thing to hear in the lore
  12. If you were taken in for an interrogation, they ask who whose side your on. Which do you choose?
  13. Choose a partner to assist you in the lore.
  14. If you had to go to the most dangerous place in the lore would you?
  15. What do you think is the most dangerous place in the lore?
  16. You need to get legal help, who do you choose as your lawyer?
  17. Which place isnt a part of the lore
  18. Choose 1 method to obtain a special ability.
  19. Would you join forces with Walter Blanco?
  20. A man called Martin Mischkulnig offers to take your photo. Do you accept his offer?
  21. A man called dominic approches you. He wants to marry you. Do you agree?
  22. You are trapped in a dark room, there are 3 types of food on the table. Which do you choose to eat?
  23. You have been offered to feature on a gameshow called the chaser, do you accept?
  24. You hear your phone ringing, when you see whos calling it says "The Cock Department" do you pick up?
  25. You are in a deathly situation, a helicopter appears and the man inside offers you to saftey. You ask for his name and he says Michael Twigg. Do you accept the ride?
  26. You are in the desert, a man with a sombrero, armor and a red sword approches you. What do you do?
  27. A man keeps appearing around you, after some time you find out his name is chris. What do you do?
  28. You hear a sound in the distance "Bebe" the sound cries through the nearby buildings. What do you do?

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