Our Best Therian Quizzes
Do you consider yourself a therian -- a person with a spiritual connection to a non-human species? We have quizzes to help identify your level of therianthropy. Quizzes below also answer the question, "what is my theriotype?". Enjoy and share with your friends!
Our Therian Quizzes
- Are You a Therian?[by: PatrikPapi, rated: 4.55rated: 4.55/5, published: Jul 14, 2023]
In this quiz, you might find out if you are a Therian. This isn't 100% sure, I just made it for those who can't decide, since I met some people who don't know…
- Are You A Therian? (ACCURATE RESULTS)[by: ArcaneAsteroid, rated: 4.55rated: 4.55/5, published: Jul 16, 2024]
Hello, and thank you so much for deciding to take this quiz today! I've seen a lot of these types of quizzes recently, so I thought I try my hand at making one.
- Are you a therian?[by: Fox_Cat_Spirit26, rated: 4.54rated: 4.54/5, published: Dec 1, 2023]
Hello there! I am Fox_Cat_Spirit26 and I'm a fox and cat therian! This is a quiz to find out if you are a therian! There are 10 questions to answer and 5…
- Are you a therian/Soy un therian?[by: Random Therian!, rated: 4.49rated: 4.49/5, published: Sep 20, 2023]
First of all, I want to say that this is not 100% accurate! But it can confirm if you are a therian or not! And remember, is NOT a choice to be a therian!…
- Are You a Therian?[by: Zoe, rated: 4.44rated: 4.44/5, published: Apr 26, 2022]
Are you a therian? Quiz for everybody! Take this 11 question quiz to see if your a therian. This quiz for everybody who wants to see if their a therian or…
- Are You a Therian?[by: Kelly, rated: 4.4rated: 4.4/5, published: Nov 4, 2020]
This quiz will help you figure out if you are really a therian or not. This does not mean that I can tell you what you are or not however, it is up to you to…
- Are You a Therian?[by: WiccaWolf, rated: 4.31rated: 4.31/5, published: Oct 6, 2015]
There are many types of people in the world. One very interesting group of people in the planet are known as Therians and Otherkin. A Therian is a person who…
- Therian or Human?[by: Pluto, rated: 4.26rated: 4.26/5, published: Aug 22, 2021]
This is a therian quiz to help you figure out if your a therian or not! (This will not completely determine your type, but help a little!!) this quiz is a…
- Are you a therian, Otherkin, or furry?[by: JaguarLake, rated: 4.24rated: 4.24/5, published: Jun 28, 2023]
Please note, this quiz isn’t 100% accurate so do research on whatever you get and don’t instantly label yourself as it, I hope you enjoy my quiz and you have…
- What's your theriotype? [1][by: Alterhuman, rated: 4.24rated: 4.24/5, published: Oct 10, 2022]
If you think you are a therian, then you can use this quiz to help you find your theriotype! Do research before saying that your result in this quiz is your…
- Am I A Therian?[by: FeliformFox, rated: 4.11rated: 4.11/5, published: Mar 21, 2022]
Therianthropy is the belief that one is not fully human, and instead shares the mentality or spirit of a non human animal, extinct or otherwise. These people…
- Are You A Therian?[by: TherianGirl, rated: 4.07rated: 4.07/5, published: Jan 29, 2020]
Hello, and thanks for trying out my handmade quiz! I’m glad you’re here to test it out. This quiz can be taken by those of you who are wondering about your…
- The true Therian quiz.[by: Soren, rated: 4.03rated: 4.03/5, published: Dec 27, 2010]
Therians are rare, special, individuals whom deserve nothing more or less then respect. I, myself am a Wolf therian and have been searching for real, good,…
- Are you a Therian?[by: Saya, rated: 4rated: 4/5, published: May 18, 2023]
This quiz is NOT accurate and does not label you as a therian or not, everyone's journey is different. This is to help you narrow it down! If you're actually…
- Are you a feline or canine therian?[by: Paws of freedom, rated: 3.87rated: 3.87/5, published: Sep 24, 2023]
Hello! This quiz will hopefully give you an Idea of your theriotype. I repeat: AN IDEA! Please do not take this quiz seriously as it might mislead you on your…
- What Is Your Theriotype Quiz[by: Starr, rated: 3.84rated: 3.84/5, published: Feb 23, 2024]
If you think you are a therian, then you can use this quiz to help you find your theriotype! Do research before saying that your result in this quiz is your…
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