Are You a Therian?

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This quiz will help you figure out if you are really a therian or not. This does not mean that I can tell you what you are or not however, it is up to you to decide weather you are a therian or not.

But you cannot suddenly be a therian. Being a therian means that you have realized that you have been connected to animals your whole life. Anyways, enjoy the 20- question quiz!

Created by: Kelly
  1. Do animals like you?
  2. Are you good at making animals sounds?- if so what type of sounds?
  3. Have you ever felt phantom limbs on your body and even though you feel them and can control them, they aren't there? (Ex. Large ears, wings, tail, fur, etc.)
  4. Have you ever growled or hissed at someone uncontrollably when you were angry or sad?
  5. Have you felt a strong connection with animals-- almost as if they are similar to you?
  6. Do you feel more comfortable in nature or in the wild?
  7. Has anybody noticed or told you that you act like an animal?
  8. Have you ever had an odd shall we say mental shift, where you start thinking, behaving and sensing things like an animal?
  9. Have little kids ever been oddly awed just by your presence and can't stop looking at you or wanting to approach you?
  10. Do you think this test is long? If so, there are still many more questions.
  11. Do animals really like you?
  12. Have you ever had an awakening?
  13. Do you ever walk or act like an animal when your alone ( quadrobics etc)?
  14. Why are you taking this test?
  15. Do you wear ears or tails as a replacement for your other missing limbs?
  16. How do you feel about furries?
  17. Do you believe in astronomy and the chinese animal year chart?
  18. Are you a spiritual type of person or a more down to earth kinda person?
  19. Do you know a lot about animals?
  20. Finally, would you like to have ears or a tail?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Therian?
