Are you a therian?

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Hello there! I am Fox_Cat_Spirit26 and I'm a fox and cat therian! This is a quiz to find out if you are a therian! There are 10 questions to answer and 5 different results you can get depending on what you answer!

~DISCLAIMER~This quiz is NOT 100% accurate. Therianthropy is an identity, so please don’t base your identity off of this quiz alone. Feel free to do some more research before and/or after this quiz. This is just a fun quiz to do when you’re bored.

Created by: Fox_Cat_Spirit26
  1. Let’s get started. Which of these places do you feel most comfortable in?
  2. If you could be reborn as any animal, which would it be?
  3. Why are you taking this quiz?
  4. Do you think you are a therian?
  5. Have you researched therianthropy?
  6. Do you experience shifts/species dysphoria?
  7. Do you do quadrobics?
  8. Time for the big question, do you experience involuntary non-human behavior or responses that links to (a) certain animal(s)?
  9. Did you like this quiz? (Doesn’t count towards the results)
  10. Have a good rest of your day!

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Quiz topic: Am I a therian?
