Are you a therian, Otherkin, or furry?

Please note, this quiz isn’t 100% accurate so do research on whatever you get and don’t instantly label yourself as it, I hope you enjoy my quiz and you have a nice day!

Therian: someone who identifies as a animal in a non-biological sense either spiritually or physically. Otherkin are like this, there just the mythical versions. Furries: a furry is someone who enjoys dressing up as humanoid animals and going to furcons, sadly, many people believe that furries use litter boxes and eat pet food and/or are odd and sexual as well as Z00ph!l3s….

Created by: JaguarLake
  1. Do you enjoy acting like an earthen creature or mythological being?
  2. Do you experience phantom limbs such as tails or ears?
  3. Do you experience any other shifts, like dream shifts or mental shifts?
  4. What about physical shifts?
  5. Do you ever wish you where “home” again? Back with your pack, or on your lonesome?
  6. Do you find yourself scared or uncomfortable around others, something that could possibly be mistaken for shyness?
  7. Um, I’m running out of questions.. what’s your favorite animal? (Won’t affect answer)
  8. Do you see yourself with a group/pack, or on your lonesome when dream shifts happen?
  9. Do you get frustrated when you see a human in the mirror and not a reptile, feline, amphibian, canine, or rodent staring back?
  10. Do you suffer from depression because you feel something’s missing in your life?
  11. Last question! Do you think your a Otherkin, therian, furry or human?
  12. Just some role play beyond this! (Won’t affect score!)
  13. You wake up, yawning as you look around to find yourself as an animal/your theriotype and your back home! (You then?)

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Quiz topic: Am I a therian, Otherkin, or furry?
