Otherkin Knowledge Test

How much do you know about Otherkin? Can you distinguish between the false information perpetuated by trolls and the actual facts about this group of people? This 30 questions long test is supposed to be educational.

Trigger Warning: This test contains phrases commonly used by trolls hating on Otherkin. It also contains phrases of prejudice against Otherkin. These phrases are included in the test so that people can learn and see where they're at with their knowledge. They are not meant to hurt people, although I know that they can be hurtful, therefore you have been warned.

Created by: DeepGrowls
  1. Otherkin are people who identify as partially or fully non-human. Their non-human identity is non-physical and involuntary.
  2. Otherkin are people who strongly identify with fictional characters or like animals a lot.
  3. Otherkinity is the same as clinical lycanthropy. People who are Otherkin believe / are convinced that their physical body is not human, or that they can physically transform into a non-human creature.
  4. Otherkin know that their physical body is 100% human. They just don't feel human and might have some non-human behaviors or reactions.
  5. Otherkinity is a mental illness or a symptom thereof.
  6. Otherkinity is a harmless difference.
  7. Otherkin is an identity.
  8. Otherkin is a religion.
  9. Otherkin are an internet trend that started on Tumblr. They did not exist before the internet.
  10. The first group of people identifying as non-human existed in the early 70s. The term "Otherkin", a label for such people, exists since the 90s and was coined on the internet.
  11. All Otherkin explain their non-human identity with spiritual explanations.
  12. Otherkin explain their non-human identities spiritually or psychologically. Some Otherkin mix spiritual and psychological theories, or they are agnostic about it.
  13. Otherkin can have any religion or belief system. Consequently, there are also Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Agnostic and Atheist Otherkin.
  14. All Otherkin are Pagan, Wiccan, New Agers or SBNR.
  15. "Shifts" are (most often temporary) states that make an Otherkin's subjective experience closer to their kintype. There are different types of shifts.
  16. Mental shifts give an Otherkin the mentality of their kintype (e.g. a wolfkin wanting to howl or growl when expressing feelings). Phantom shifts make Otherkin feel supernumenary phantom limbs (often related to their kintype) on their body.
  17. Neuroscience has shown that a few people have the subjective experience of supernumenary phantom limbs.
  18. You must have past life memories and / or phantom shifts to be an Otherkin.
  19. Most Otherkin are convinced that physical shifting (transforming the physical body into something non-human) is possible.
  20. Some Otherkin experience species dysphoria, a distressing condition which makes them feel that their body is of the wrong species.
  21. There are cults and frauds that claim physical shifting is possible. They are preying on species-dysphoric Otherkin's desperate need to change their physical bodies.
  22. You must have species dysphoria to be an Otherkin.
  23. Otherkin just want to feel special. They are lying about their experiences and don't actually feel non-human.
  24. The first time they get to know about "Otherkin", many Otherkin think something along the lines of "Wait, there are other people who feel non-human and have such experiences? And there's a word for that?".
  25. Some Otherkin feel drawn to their kintype (what they identify as) before realizing that they are Otherkin.
  26. Otherkinity is a teenage phase and most people will grow out of it.
  27. A few Otherkin feel non-human since they can remember, but most Otherkin feel non-human since puberty or adulthood. Although, it can start at any age.
  28. Suppression or denial of their non-human identity has negative effects on Otherkin. Acceptance of their non-human identity enhances the wellbeing of Otherkin.

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