Are you an Otherkin?

Have you ever felt that you are not human? Then you could be an Otherkin, meaning someone who identifies as non-human psychologically and / or spiritually.

This quiz contains statements that describe basic Otherkin experiences, based on the definition of the term and other aspects surrounding this experience.

Created by: DeepGrowls
  1. I feel partially or fully non-human.
  2. My physical body is 100% human, but psychological and / or spiritual aspects of mine are non-human.
  3. Feeling non-human is involuntary for me. I have not chosen this and cannot change it.
  4. My non-human traits are an essential part of myself. They are not an entity / character that is separate from myself.
  5. I feel that I am not human. This is so much more than just strongly relating with / sharing characteristics of something non-human.
  6. Feeling non-human is not roleplaying, for fun or a coping mechanism. It is part of who I am.
  7. I do not have to make an effort in order to feel non-human.
  8. Humans feel like they are not my species. Sometimes I have to "play human" among them so as to come across as normal.
  9. Accepting my non-human traits has contributed to my wellbeing, while denying or suppressing them has had a negative impact on me.
  10. When I felt non-human for the first time, it did not change who I am and overall, I feel more like myself since then.

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Quiz topic: Am I an Otherkin?
