The REAL Dragon Otherkin Test

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Welcome to the actual dragon otherkin quiz! Please rate this! Otherkins are mythical creatures that are trapped in the human body. In this quiz, you will see if you are a dragon otherkin! Have fun!

[Remember: not all information in this is true, take other tests to find out if you are!] (yes I am the creator of the ninjago quiz: "Do you like Misako[terrible ninjago character]")

Created by: Baguette person
  1. Do you feel like you have wings sometimes, and can you control it?
  2. Do you ever suddenly feel like you are not human, but a mythical creature?
  3. Random question! (this does not effect your score, this is for fun)what is your opinion on pineapple on pizza?
  4. Have you ever had dreams that you are a dragon, or human with wings? (if human with wings, you might be an angel kin)
  5. Do you ever feel like you're dead, non existent , extinct, or not right/not human?
  6. Do you ever feel like you're not in the right body?
  7. What genre are you into?
  8. What is your comfort place, where do you feel at home?
  9. Finally, what would you have if you could?
  10. Rate the quiz! (this does not affect your score)

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