Know Your Learning Styles

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There are at least three learning styles with their unique theories. Everyone in the educational world of students have one or more of these learning styles put into practice most of the time

Are you ready to take this quiz that will put your knowledge of what you have learned form the e-learning with MMA601 site? in short facts under the test? Well you may begin taking up this quiz!

Created by: braedenk
  1. If I say I prefer to learn by listening, what sort of learner am I?
  2. If I say I preferred to learn by watching videos and presentations. What sort of learner am I?
  3. If I say I prefer to learn something by constructing something by hand, what sort of learner am I?
  4. Visual Learner's Advantage: They are good at spelling but forget
  5. What is best for a visual learner to gain knowledge from reading reference books, info sheets etc?
  6. What does a visual learner most likely to understand out of these types of content?
  7. What is one thing that a visual learner is good at identifying within observing communication
  8. What's a major disadvantage for a "hands-on" learner when doing work in class?
  9. What's the most preferable genre of music for a kinaesthetic learner to listen to while studying?
  10. While a kinaesthetic learner is studying, what more likely do they do while they are in a study period?
  11. During a lecture, kinaesthetic learners more likely to tend to be
  12. while an auditory leaner is reading a book, will that person either more likely to
  13. What is an advantage of an auditory learner presenting an oral presentation?
  14. Auditory learners are good at remembering
  15. What do auditory learners' first notice while listening to a movie?
  16. What reading speed do auditory learner's set on?
  17. When a auditory learner is studying, is that person better off

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Quiz topic: Know my Learning Styles